Chris's Rants

Saturday, June 12, 2004

This just in...

This just in from Wired. Dogs can understand human language.

This comes as little surprise to me. You can't speak the word "walk" in our house without the ankle-biter's ears perking up followed by a dash to the front door and incessant pestering if the word is not followed by the deed.

We have also played the same game with the fetching of toys as cited in the article and the response is about the same I would guess. She gets it right about six or seven times out of ten when you ask her to fetch a particular toy from her (overflowing) toy bin.

She also definitely understands the words "pepperoni" and "cheese" and will always do the right thing when asked to "go see [mommy|daddy]" when my wife and I try to pawn off a persistent request to go for a walk on eachother.

So, ask yourself "who is smarter, humans or dogs". How many humans can understand dogese?


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