Chris's Rants

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Policy of pre-epmtion

From the latest The New York Times Poll comes this tidbit in question 66:
66. Which comes closer to your opinion about what the United States policy should be after the war with Iraq? The United States should not attack another country unless the U.S. is attacked first, OR the U.S. should be able to attack any country it thinks might attack the United States?

U.S. should not attackU.S. should attackDK/NA
4/11-13/03 51 38 11
4/26-27/03 50 42 8
5/27-28/03 53 39 8
7/8-9/03 58 33 9
9/28-10/1/03 55 35 11
1/12-15/04 58 32 10
7/11-15/04 60337
Fully 60 percent are of the opinion that the U.S. should not adopt a policy of pre-emptive attack. Yet, dubya and dick are hell-bent on such trying to convince us that such a policy is imperative. As you can see from the trending, the American public are not buying. Dubya and his minions had to scare us silly, with visions of mushroom-clouds, cherry-picked intelligence "findings", and highly suggestive statements that Iraq was behind the attacks of 9/11, that they had no choice but to pre-emptively launch an attack on Iraq to defend us from the "evil-doers".

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


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