Chris's Rants

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A grown-up speaks out

John McLaughlin, former acting DCI has an op-ed piece in the WaPo this morning. A good read. In it, he dispells certain myths that pervade the "discussion" of intellegence reform; that the CIA is a "rogue" agency, that the agency is institutionally leaking information intended to do damage to el Presidente, etc.
Unlike the CIA's critics, I point no fingers. I only regret that we are in a period when intelligence is being used as a weapon -- but more against ourselves than our enemies. We should all agree that this must stop.

Many people have called for a return to civility in Washington. To me, civility means thoughtful and well-informed debate. Nowhere is this more needed than in the debate over intelligence. Like the U.S. military, our nation's intelligence officers face daunting challenges now and for years to come. Constructive criticism can help. Tirades and hyperbole will not.


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