Chris's Rants

Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy Chrismakwanzakkuh!

I'm growing weary of the incessant blathering of the Right-Wingnutians all over cable news, and even on network news, decrying how the liberals want "Merry Christmas" to become a phrase of the past, and how they want to prevent people from celebrating Christmas.

Here's one from AFP:
"A covert and deceptive war has been waged on Christmas to remove any mention of it from the public square during the Christmas season," declares the California-based Committee to Save Merry Christmas on its website.
What a load of horse shit.

The reality is that we live in a diverse culture. It is the very diversity that makes our country great. However, the Evangelical Christian Taliban wants none of it.

The right-wing pundits would have you believe that there are efforts underway to preclude public displays of the nativity scene, when in fact, the only dispute is its display on public property. There's a nativity scene out in front of the local Catholic Church in town. Has been for years. You can put one in your front yard and no one can do a thing about it (unless it creates a disturbance, which is another thing altogether). No one has ever suggested that these rights be curtailed. However, the way the echo-chamber is covering the (non)issue, you'd be easily left with that impression.

The stories of schools banning the singing of Christmas carols are the latest outrage cited by the right wingnuts. Frankly, if people want their kids to sing Christmas carols, they should have them join their church choir.

So, for those of you who do celebrate Christmas: Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays to all, and a Happy Festivus to those of you who worship Seinfeld:-)


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