You do the math
We've spent $208B USD thus far in Iraq over a period of 118 weeks. That's $1.76B USD per week. If, as Rummy suggested on MTP this weekend, we could be waging this war against the insurgency for upwards of 12 years, the ultimate cost of the war in Iraq at the current rate of expenditure would top $1T USD (yes, that's with a 'T').
(For you brits reading this... a Billion USD == 1,000 Million and a Trillion USD == a Billion in the Queen's english)
1B == 1,000,000,000 or 109
1T == 1,000,000,000,000 or 1012
Whatever, it's a really big number. If you stacked 1012 dollar bills between here and the moon, you would have 15.364 stacks of bills.
It's not like we haven't anything better we could be spending that money on.
(For you brits reading this... a Billion USD == 1,000 Million and a Trillion USD == a Billion in the Queen's english)
1B == 1,000,000,000 or 109
1T == 1,000,000,000,000 or 1012
Whatever, it's a really big number. If you stacked 1012 dollar bills between here and the moon, you would have 15.364 stacks of bills.
It's not like we haven't anything better we could be spending that money on.
Chris, do you mean $208B so far or $17.6M a week? Otherwise it doesn't add up.
Anonymous, at June 29, 2005 7:27 AM
Also with the powers, 1B = 10^9, 1T = 10^12 is what you wanted to say. Careful with posts you call "you do the math" because somebody will. 8-)
Anonymous, at June 29, 2005 7:29 AM
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