Chris's Rants

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Feel safer yet?

Josh Marshall has the scoop on a story that will not play well for the administration's handling of Iraq.
Some 350 tons of high explosives (RDX and HDX), which were under IAEA seal while Saddam was in power, were looted during the early days of the US occupation. Like so much else, it was just left unguarded.

Not only are these super-high-yield explosives probably being used in many, if not most, of the various suicide and car bombings in Iraq, but these particular explosives are ones used in the triggering process for nuclear weapons.
I think that this fits the classic definition of what is known as a cluster-f*** in military parlance. We didn't have enough troops on the ground to secure Iraq. General Shinseki was right. Rumsfeld should be drawn and quartered for his arrogance and utter incompetence as Secretary of Defense.

As with most cases like this, the cover-up is what is going to become the real story here. Yet another in a series of things that the Bush administration tried desperately to conceal until after the election.

Feel safer yet?


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