Chris's Rants

Sunday, October 17, 2004

They Live (1988)

I feel like Rowdy Roddy Piper's character in They Live (1988).

The polls still have the presidential race in a statistical dead heat. Half the population has been distributed the special sunglasses that let you see that the Bush administration is really a bunch of aliens (well, maybe not aliens but certainly a bunch of lying, deceitful, inept, irresponsible, over-zealous, and corrupt shitheads) bent on destroying the earth, and the other half is still brianwashed by a network of mind-control beams into believing that everything is normal.

I want to find the central computer that controls the mind-control beam and turn it off so that everyone can see the Bush administration for what it really is, rather than the alternative reality that the BC04 campaign would have you believe.

Bush says Kerry has raised taxes 98 times, in his 20 years as a Senator, on a daily basis. Yet by the same measure, Cheney voted to raise taxes 144 times during his career as a congresscritter from Wyoming and Bush will surpass Kerry's rate handily when he approves the Corporate Tax bill as it contains no less than 63 tax increasing measures.

Bush has yet to veto a spending bill, even those he doesn't like. The budget deficit is at an all-time high, to the point that conservative pundit David Broder is starting to sound shrill. Bush ran a >$200B per year surplus into a $430B per year deficit in four short years.

Who's the friggin' tax and spend "liberal"? Bush would have you believe it is Kerry... as in the Suskind article, they are creating their own reality by distorting the truth.

Bush would have you believe, by repeating his "Kerry voted for the $87B before he voted against it" claim ad nauseum (without the press constantly reminding voters that the bill did pass despite Kerry's vote of conscience against the Bush administrations fiscally irresponsible version of the bill), that Kerry is responsible for the inadequately prepared and equipped troops in Iraq. Yet, it is the Bush administration and Rumsfeld's inept mismanagement of the Pentagon that has left many of the troops (especially the Guard and Reserve units) in Iraq having to buy their body-armor on eBay because the funding provided by the $87B appropriation has either not been spent, or has in many cases been instead lining the pockets of Halliburton (charged with over-charging for its services).

There's a reason that 17 (or 19, depending on which accounts you read) troops refused a direct, and possibly illegal order. They don't have the resources to do the job they've been sent to do. Nor for that matter are they even clear on what the mission is. Yet, the BC04 campaign would have Americans believe that this is all Senator Kerry's fault for voting against the $87B. Complete and utter BULLSHIT. Yet, the Bush administration, taking a page out of the Nazi and Soviet handbooks knows that if you repeat a lie often enough, (especially when the media let's it pass without comment) eventually people believe it is the truth.

This, and the GOP-controlled media outlets, like FOX and Sinclaire, is the Bushco administration's version of the "They Live" mind-control beam. A never-ending stream of lies and deceit spewing forth from the President and Vice-President in their campaign speeches.

We need to get the special sunglasses to the voters before Nov 2nd.


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