Chris's Rants

Monday, October 25, 2004

Let's see who we can blame for this...

Josh Marshall rants on the whitehouse's response to the missing HMX from Iraq.
Look at the latest from Scott McClellan on Air Force One. This from CNN ...

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said President Bush wants to determine what went wrong.

McClellan, on Air Force One, stressed that the missing explosives were not nuclear materials, and said the storage site was the responsibility of the interim Iraqi government, not the United States, as of June 28, when the United States turned over the nation's administration to the Iraqis.

The president wants to determine what went wrong.
As Josh so correctly points out, this happened well over a year ago and Paul Bremer was notified as far back as May 2004. Of course, Bremer is hiding, or being hidden, from the press.

What really pisses me off is how inane the press is... they have been asleep at the switch for so long it isn't funny, and the country is going to hell in a handbasket as a result because half the population is dumber than dirt. I wonder if Bush supporters would know enough to stop looking up in a rain-storm, or if they would drown like a bunch of turkeys. Probably the latter.

But based on past inanity of what passes for news, maybe the Dems should decry Bush's blaming the Iraqis for something that wasn't their responsibility. "You forgot Poland!" or maybe "How can one be commander in chief when you blame your coalition partners for things that weren't their responsibility"

How anyone can think that this incompentent and irresponsible dipshit deserves another four years is beyond me!

If Bush really wants to know what went wrong, here's a clue: I think it started with the Supreme Court in December 2000 when the picked the wrong man for the job. Maybe it was picking Donald Rumsfeld for SecDef. Maybe it was not listening to his generals when they told him they needed more troops. Maybe it was in allowing the Pentagon to over-rule the post-war plans developed by the State Department experts on post-war restoration. Maybe it was in taking the word of his vice-president, that there would be no casualties, that we would be greeted as liberators. Maybe all of the above. Maybe, just maybe, it's his friggin' responsibility!

I don't think that this country can survive four more years of this incompetent dirtbag.


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