Chris's Rants

Thursday, October 07, 2004

We have nothing to fear...

I never thought that they would stoop so low. I should have known better.

The AP reports: U.S. Alerts Schools About Terror Threat.

President George W Dipshit is down in the polls, so they pull out the fear card, yet again. They do this EVERY F***ING TIME. This time, it is simply inexcusable because, as they note on all of the politically motivated terror alerts:
But there is "no specific information indicating that there is a terrorist threat to any schools or universities in the United States," Hickok said.
I've had it.

F*** You, Mr. President for having the unmitigated gall to scare the shit out of our children for yuour political gain! You are a pucilanimous excuse for a human being. You deserve to rot in hell.

Usama bin-Laden is laughing in his "cave" that you are both stupid and selfish enough to put fear into the hearts of the American people... he doesn't have to lift a finger to accomplish his objective. What an asshole you are!

As a real President once cautioned us: "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." It is time for a change.


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