Chris's Rants

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Drat, lost the pool

Transcript: Bush Speech on Iraq: Only 5 references to September 11... off by ten. However, Dubya invoked the word "terror" or "terrorist" 34 times, "progress" 7 times. What drivel. Bush has no plan and has to resort to people's fear of another terrorist attack to avoid admitting that he has no plan.

I am still sickened by the fact that the administration continues to try to make a connection between 9/11 and Iraq when the 9/11 commission and all of the various other investigations have concluded that there never was a connection. The leaked Downing Street memos reiterate that point repeatedly... the Brits knew that was bullshit from the start. They also suspected there were no WMDs.

For aWol to use Fort Bragg as a backdrop only serves to highlight his pucilanimousness.

If I hear how "hard" it is one more time, I think I'll barf. We're wasting billions that we don't have to waste on his little oedipal crusade to oust Daddy's nemisis. Let's get the U.N. involved. Let's stop giving all of the contracts to Darth Cheney's former croneys at Halliburton and open up the bidding to the French, Germans and Russians so that they will back a U.N. peacekeeping mission. Let's fire Rummy and his neocon back office spooks who keep getting it wrong. Let's stop the torture.

Let's stop the lying and face reality.


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