Chris's Rants

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

But I didn't vote for Obama

Scroll past the screed penned by the odious Michele Malkin, to the first comment.
By: kmf1967
I'm a middle-class white guy living in Jacksonville, Florida. I've got a wife and two kids. Because the kids had no school today, I took a vacation day from work, and took the kids downtown to vote early. Fifty-nine minutes later, two smiling children and I proudly sported "I Voted" stickers.

But I didn't vote for Obama.

I voted for my ancestors, who believed in the promise of this country and came with with nothing as immigrants.

I voted for my parents, who taught in the public schools for decades.

I voted for Steve, an acquaintance of mine from Kentucky. (Killed by an IED two years ago in Iraq).


I voted for all those people and more, and I voted for all of you, too. But mostly, I voted selfishly. I vote for two little kids, one who has ballet in an hour, and once who has baseball practice at the same time. I voted for a world where they can be confident that their government will represent the best that is in this country, and that will in turn demand the best of them. I voted for a government that will be respected in the world. I voted for an economy that will reward work above guile. I voted for everything I believe in.

Sure, I filled in the circle next to the name Obama, but it wasn't him I was voting for -- it was every single one of us, and those I love most of all.

Who else is there to vote for?


  • Hi Chris - My husband wrote this on dailykos yesterday, and I was Googling to see how far it had spread. It's the strangest coincidence in the world that it landed on your site b/c he grew up in Northbridge (more Rockdale than Whitinsville - he lived on Sprague)! Thanks for posting it!

    By Blogger Cathy Kanaday, at October 21, 2008 4:12 PM  

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