Chris's Rants

Monday, June 06, 2005

Homogenous intranets?

Dare Obasanjo writes:
Based on how adoption of DHTML/AJAX occured over the past few years I suspect that Avalon/XAML will follow a similar path since the initial conditions are similar. If I am correct then even if Avalon/XAML is a superior technology to DHTML/AJAX (which I believe to be the case) it will likely be shunned on the Web due to lack of cross-browser interoperability but may flourish within homogenous intranets.
Exsqueeze me? Homogenous intranets? This line jumped off the page at me. Unless the homogeneity is related to the support of broadly adopted industry standards, or a complete lock on corporate intranets by a single vendor, it is a disaster waiting to happen. Can you say "mergers and acquisitions"? I knew you could. Has IT no collective memory that it is stupid enough to repeat the mistakes of the past? "Homogenous intranets" are the pipe-dreams of control-freaks without a clue and monopolists.

Dare is absolutely correct in observing that Avalon and XAML will likely be shunned "on the Web" because it will require homogeneity of a single vendor's product. But what is "on the Web"? Are not the corporate web pages, portals and web applications one uses "on the Web"?


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