Dubya strikes again
The cancellation of the shuttle missions to service the Hubble Telescope, which is discussed in this /. thread, is an unfortunate turn of events. NASA leadership seems to be suggesting that the move is all about astronaut safety, yet the day before, Dubya gave his policy speech on manned missions to the moon and Mars before 2020. A manned trip to Mars compares to a shuttle mission as a highwire act without a net compares to a walk in the park. Makes you wonder about the positioning.
Let's face it, this is really about money. And yet, Dubya and his cronies think that a better allocation of money would be to launch a "Healthy Marriage" initiative for $1.5B. I mean really!
Let's face it, this is really about money. And yet, Dubya and his cronies think that a better allocation of money would be to launch a "Healthy Marriage" initiative for $1.5B. I mean really!
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