Aaaiii! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cheney R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn! Aaaiii!!!!
I...can't...take...much....more... must...get...a...grip...on...reality...
Cheney: 'On the big issues, I think we got it right'
Yeah, raaaahhhhhiiiiiight.
Aug 6, 2001 PDB ignored
"My Pet Goat"
Camping out in an undisclosed underground bunker for weeks if not months
Patriot Act
Thousands of muslims detained without being charged for indefinite periods
Zero convictions
Lie about WMD
Scare country with imagry of mushroom clouds
Losing bin Laden in Tora Bora
Abandon Afghanistan
Ignore warnings of military and civilian experts of insurgency
Ignore State Department post-war planning in favor of no planning at all ("we'll be greeted as liberators", "we won't have casualties")
Ignore General Shinseki's warning that occupation would require ~300,000 troops
Unfettered looting in the immediate aftermath of the invasion
Insufficient troops to secure the borders
Mission accomplished
Uprisings in Fallouja, Najaf, Sadr City, ...
Weekly beheadings
Daily suicide bombings and IED attacks on transports
Green Zone mortar attacks
1106 coalition forces killed, 90% US
$200 billion USD wasted in search of non-existant WMD
$340,000/month to Chalabi and his gang of Iranian spies
Inability to get the oil flowing
A Q Khan nuclear proliferation network
Halliburton overbills for no-bid contracts worth billions (that weren't at all influenced by the fact that Cheney was former CEO and has oodles of stock options)
$55.67/bbl oil and rising
Afghan opium production surges by 400%
Taliban back in control of much of Afghanistan despite successful elections
Abu Ghraib
Possible war crimes sanctioned by DoJ "prisoner transfer" and "torture" memos
377 tons of HMX and RDX looted at Al Qa Qaa
A "handful of troublemakers" becomes 12,000 insurgents (by the latest DoD reconning)
Flushed decades of diplomatic goodwill down the toilet in less than a year
500 billion dollar surplus becomes a 2.3 trillion dollar deficit (4.5 trillion if the tax cuts are made permanent)
While we're at it, might as well burn the Geneva Conventions... they're worthless at this point.
Did I mention 1,106 coalition forces killed?
Yeah, I'd say that's about right.
Burn in hell, asshole!
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